Relationship Problems
Learn how to improve your relationship with others at home and work. Enhance your marriage and learn how to improve your parenting skills. If you are single, gain knowledge about Stress-Free Dating. If you find yourself in an addictive relationship, develop a means to break this addiction and learn more about healthy boundaries. Build strong relationship skills and improve self-esteem. The most important relationship you will ever have with anyone is that which you have with yourself.
Depression & Anxiety
Overcome fear and improve your state of mind. Learn about what causes depression and build your coping skills. Develop greater knowledge about what generates fearful responses and how to reduce feeding overwhelmed by these emotions. Find out the difference between healthy and harmful types of fear.
Stress Management
Understand what stress is and how to deal with it in your everyday personal and professional life. Learn the difference between eustress and distress. Find out what stress does to your health and your relationships as well as your work performance and how to eliminate unnecessary stress and what to do about unavoidable stresses at home and at work.
ADHD / Learning Disorder
To better understand the nature of your symptoms and further clarify whether or not you and/or your child may be diagnosed with ADHD, it will be necessary for a full evaluation to be completed by one of our licensed psychologists. Such an evaluation can further assess one’s level of attention related difficulties, while also ruling out comorbid diagnoses, such as learning disorders, anxiety, mood disorder, and other developmental/behavioral concerns. This evaluation will likely include various questionnaires, computer based continuous performance tests, and in some cases, cognitive, achievement, and emotional testing.
Attention Deficit Disorders
Learn to deal with a myriad of problems associated with ADD or ADHD. If you tend to be restless, fidgety, easily distracted, or have trouble sustaining your concentration during activities or work, you may be suffering from an attention deficit problem. Individuals struggle in relationships and have difficulty with maintaining a positive work environment. There are also tendencies to use drugs or alcohol to cover up the discomfort of not being able to maintain concentration. Learn coping methods to overcome this disorder without causing pain for others who care about you.
Parent - Child Confilct
You really love your kids, but they may be driving you "up the wall". We can help you with parenting skills and we can help your child or teenager learn how to get what they need without tearing the family apart. We provide you with the skills of managing, supervising, and advising your children as they develop and grow to adulthood. Learn what to do when your child is dating someone you cannot tolerate. Acquire the secret of getting them back on your side.
Post-Traumatic Stress
You don’t have to go to war to experience an emotional breakdown. If you have been involved in an auto accident, have been physically assaulted, or any perceived near-death experiences, you may be suffering from post-traumatic stress. Do you have nightmares? Flashbacks of a terribly frightening event? Do you suffer from depression or have high levels of anxiety when you experience similar situations to your traumatic event? Are you easily startled? If so, you may be suffering from post-traumatic stress. Our well-trained staff have the education and training to ameliorate your symptoms and give you back your sense of safety. Our well-proven cognitive and behavioral techniques can end or alleviate these painful symptoms and let you return to a sense of normalcy.
Women's Issues
Our culture sometimes makes it very difficult to be a woman. Females have many obstacles to overcome because of our once male dominated society. This is gradually changing but women still have to learn to cope with poor choices of marital partners, dealing with harassment in the workplace, struggling with sexual predators, and finding empowerment in their home and work. We provide the environment for women to overcome these hurdles and teach them how to be strong yet promote their comfort with their femininity. Build self-esteem, develop assertiveness, acquire inner strength and gain more effective relationship skills.
Men's Issues
It’s not easy being a man anymore. In today’s society men must cope with many stressors of work and home. They must be masculine but also be sensitive to women and children. Let us teach you about healthy relationships, or how to be a friend to other men, an excellent partner to a woman, and how to provide nurturance and protection to your children. Let us show you how to be in a relationship out of strength and not out of weakness.
Adoption Issues
Whether you are an adoptive parent or child, or you are an adult adopted as a child and you struggle with the problems often facing parents or the adoptee, we can help. Learn about the process that children go through as they mature to adulthood. Learn about the adoption triangle and how to cope with being angry with your "real" parents [those who raised you] or deal with the confusion of why your birthmother let you go. Develop a sense of "rooted-ness" and a more grounded identity. If you are a couple in the process of adoption, learn to deal with the stress and frustration of the adoption process. We can help you with these issues.
Impulse Control Problems
Do you have a gambling problem? Do you steal things from merchants when you can afford to buy what you stole? Do you sometimes feel like you are out of control? Just as emotional problems can result in eating problems or addictions, they can also cause poor impulse control. When you give in to these impulses you get an emotional rush but you also put yourself and your family in jeopardy. You may violate the law or community moral standards and this will eventually cause you to hurt your family and have legal problems. Now is the time to seek help and our professional staff is trained in behavioral therapies that will help you to acquire new and more healthy behaviors as well as to regain self-respect and self-worth in your life.
Sexual Addictions
Emotional problems have many various expressions and sex is just one of them. Pornography, hyper-sexuality, extra-marital affairs, and excessive masturbation are avenues that people find to deal with stress and poor self-esteem. Many individuals are introduced to sex before they are emotionally mature enough to deal with it. As a result, emotional problems develop and a person’s primary means to feel good about themselves or cope with stress is through sexual expression. We can help men and women to overcome sexual addictions in counseling and psychotherapy. You can learn how to relate to the opposite sex in a healthy manner, deal with self-issues in a productive and more fulfilling way, and discover more effective methods of dealing with emotional stress.
Eating Disorders
Whether you are struggling in your relationship with yourself, others, or food, you need to learn to cope with emotional loneliness and distress. That emptiness you feel is not exactly hunger. It is really how you struggle in your relationship with you. Learn from us how to develop a healthy approach to eating and to your emotions. If you use food to calm or sooth yourself or you are struggling with your weight or body-image, we can help. Avoid the destructive tendencies of having an eating problem and let us guide you in the personal growth of becoming a healthy person who can be in charge of your own life. Come and break free of the power that food may have over your life.
Sexual Dysfunction
Marriages can suffer from an unsatisfactory sex life. After an initial medical exam by your physician, we can provide an assessment of emotional or psychological etiology as well as an evaluation of relationship problems that prevent a couple from having sexual satisfaction in their marriage. We can assist you in regaining a sense of excitement in your relationship and guide you in overcoming obstacles to your sexual fulfillment.
Individual Counselng for Anger Management
You have a right to your feelings. It is the strength of the emotional reaction that hurts you and what you do with that feeling that hurts others. Don’t wait until the courts force you to seek therapy or until your partner walks out on you to get help. We can teach you how to deal with unpleasant feelings and improve control issues in relationships. Regain a positive perspective in your life and do not allow your anger to ruin it. We will help you and to relax your emotional ‘muscles’ while feeling good about yourself.
Work - Related Stress
Can’t stand your boss? That co-worker driving you bonkers? Work can be very stressful if you do not know how to deal with difficult people, have ineffective communication skills, have chosen the wrong career, or just feel like you hate your job. We can teach you highly effective stress management techniques reducing your frustrations and giving you a sense of peace in your life. Let us guide you in dealing with depression and anxiety from not coping well in your work environment.
Bi - Polar Disorder
Having a bipolar disorder can be very debilitating to your life and your career. Family and co-workers struggle to understand you, but you may love the energy and drive this disorder provides. As time goes on your career and your family suffers. You find that your highs do not last and you sink into a devastating despair. Our therapists, along with your physician, can be of great help coping with this problem. We can help you with medication compliance and how to recognize when you are shifting phases as well as how to deal with the myriad of problems associated with bi-polar depression.

Our services
The benefits of counseling can be vast. Working on personal problems in therapy can help bring added meaning to your life, help you to learn excellent conflict resolution skills, and improve your marriage. You can be taught techniques to relieve stress and overcome depression and anxiety, as well as improve your self-esteem.